Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Calle de Tucuman

I’m in love. Yes with a city but an amazing city! I think it’s because I’m trying to only speak Catellano and I keep on experiencing something new.

Argentines are very similar to Israelis because they’re tough. The only difference is is that they are patient when Americans speak Spanish to them. Generally when you walk through the shuk (in Israel) and you attempt to speak Hebrew, Israeli’s immediately cut you off to speak English. To them, it’s significantly faster and they get more business done (also, lack of patience). Argentines, on the other hand, even if they know English- they want you to speak Spanish to them. They have the patience to talk to you because they want to help you improve your skills.

Alright so after class today, Shoni and I were in the process of walking back to the house when we approached Calle de Tucuman. This street happens to be the main area where this is a lot of Jewish activity. Kosher restaurants, Kosher stores (Kosher Meat Club style, if you know what I mean), Yeshivas, and lots of religious men and women walking through the streets. (Meah Sharim style but toned down a bit). It was really cool that we already familiarized ourselves with Jewish community. It was quite the experience. Being here is like starting from scratch…learning a language and a city for the first time.

So now I’m relaxing and about to head to the terrace. We’re having a party there tonight where I’ll meet more people! Keep you posted…



  1. Great post. I loved your description when comparing Israelis to Argentinians...very accurate.

    Staring over somewhere totally new is HARD; that's why a lot of people don't do precisely what you ARE doing. Kudos to you for making it a point to have this experience!

  2. Love your current posts and adventures. Looking for a lot more amazing descriptions of your new experiences, and hopefully pictures, too.
    Keep it coming, vos!

  3. Dad- haha mi enconto el VOS....everyone here is saying it...

    Anna- I love how you're making me famous via blogging/comments/emails! I'll try and write another one tonight!


  4. Love it just love the VOS!!! Enjoy this time in your life-it will be one of your favorite memories!!! Keep writing!!

  5. I'm behind...but I'm reading up! Can't wait to hear more....get us some pics!
