Sunday, October 28, 2012


Sandy. Sandy. Sandy. When I think of the name Sandy, I can only think of one person: Sandy Olsen from Grease. Growing up, Grease and The Parent Trap were my two favorite movies, and I decided Grease was superior mainly because of Sandy. Not only did I name every Barbie and doll I owned after her, I’m a champ at karaoking to “Look at me, I’m Sandra Dee.” My infatuation with Sandy continued to my young adult years when I bought a pair of shiny black leggings in hope to be her one day for Halloween or Purim (watch out boys, that's my next costume). I simply just love her.

And then I heard the latest. This meteorological imperialistic world we live in, named a potential natural disaster after a woman who can do no wrong in my eyes or to the eyes of every little girl out there.  Seriously, what was the World Meteorological Organization thinking naming this hurricane, Sandy? Shameless.

I’m not sure if I’m in denial with Hurricane Sandy because of her forename or because every single person in Manhattan is treating it as if we’re going to lose power for the next month. Maybe we will, maybe we won’t, I don’t know, but the likelihood of losing power for that long is quite impossible. So, please, stop stocking up your refrigerators and freezers in preparation for December 21st, 2012 (the year the Mayan calendar says the world is going to end).  Also, here’s a friendly reminder: if we do loose power, than all that food you bought is going to rot anyways, so stop buying food and clear out those dramatic lines.

In prep for my friend’s birthday tomorrow, I was going to the store to buy ice cream and cupcakes for her when I noticed how ridiculous everyone in NYC looked today. People were parked in line around the block of every single bodega, makolet and supermarket. What would usually take you 10 minutes to buy in a store, took the average person 45 minutes. I was astounded by all the empty shelves and drastic lines. And then it hit me, I wonder which day made a larger revenue in the greater NY area: the eve of Thanksgiving or Sandy? Hands down, every store in the Upper West Side (UWS) made hefty earnings this weekend in prep for Sandy. People shopped their bank accounts out and stocked up on food which will probably turn out to be another Irene sort of deal. So stop bugging out and relax; the world's not going to end this week!

Here are a few pictures of how ridiculous everyone in the UWS looked today:

Whole Foods line all the way down Columbus Ave 
Getting their West Side Market salads

Even Jorge, the fruit man, was sold out and closing down for the next 24 hours...
Viva's Pizza: Rightfully so.
 Crumbs, the most amazing cupcake store nationwide was sold out of their delicacies. Seriously, who stocks up on 600-calorie cupcakes especially when NYSC is most likely closed tonight and tomorrow? I envy those brave people who are pigging out on heavy cream and sugar. Let's goooo! 
Nail Salon: One word: Classic.
Bank of America: why are people taking money out? Every store is closed for the next 24 hours....
Gristedes: This view made my day. I’m the queen of boycotting Gristedes because they rape everyone of their money. I’m so happy there was no line!
And most importantly, the liquor store. What’s the best way to keep warm or busy in a hurricane? Some hearty alcohol…

All I can say is everyone needs to chill out; however, it'll be interesting to see how the next 24 hours in NYC will carry on…



    I LOVE your blog!


    You are an awesome writer! Great language. Great details. Keep it up. Keep writing and posting your funny pics and observations every day. YOU WILL attract a blog following without a doubt. Looking forward to tomorrow's post.

  2. youre seriously the CUTEST! love this blog especially sitting here in's been great making fun of all the NYers freaking out for what is an everyday tropical storm down here lol...who knows....maybe the government is building this up to be some huge thing just to make people go nuts buying supplies they probably dont even need just in an attempt to boost this crappy economy! CONSPIRACY!!!! lol jk....but seriously i loved this post! keep em coming!
