Sunday, November 27, 2011

7-11 for Knowledge

My Mom had an epiphany and told my Dad she wanted to participate in the whole Best Buy Black Friday/after Thanksgiving sale. In all honestly, it’s kind of strange my Mom wanted to go considering she doesn’t get along with electronics that well, but that's a different story. Anyways, my Dad ended up going to Best Buy solo (see, I told you electronics don’t fascinate my Mom), and among his many purchases, he bought a GPS.  I know GPS’s are so last year, but seriously, he bought a GPS? GPS’s go against everything I (and my Dad) believe in, and he succumbed to one. Some may ask why but I know the real reason- Black Friday and Visas simply don't mix well together. I couldn’t have been more upset. 

I don’t understand the significance behind GPS’s. Yes, if you’re stranded in a random state then they’re convenient; but, when you’re driving to and from work, Chicago, or wherever you’re traveling to---it’s kind of a brain tease. Who wants to listen to a woman all day telling you to make a right which causes you to drive into a ditch? Not me. And do we really need to be instructed to stay on the road? If so, then you clearly shouldn’t be driving.

Where has the reliance on your built in GPS (i.e. your brain) cascaded to? Whatever happened to printing out Map-Quest directions; using your head to figure out if you should make a left or right; or better yet, simply asking another human being for directions? I know society is veering away from human interaction; but let’s get real, the 7-11 employees know directions better than Siri or Homer Simpson, so why not ask them? And as an added bonus, 7-11 has the best slurpees!

Bottom line: if you want to weaken your brainwaves, then buy a GPS; but if you want to stimulate your noggin, then hit up your local 7-11 for directions. Kidding. Whatever you decide, drive safely, don’t let your GPS take over your life, and remember who’s boss. 

DEAD END. No thru traffic, turn back now, your GPS is wrong- Guaranteed


  1. Great anniversary present. A laugh a minute, and deeper significance. Hmmmmm. Love your writing and view of the world. Leah's got everyone's number. BTW, how did you ever get around in Argentina without GPS? Oh, yes, you brought your you say, your brain. Nice.
