Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I'm back!

After months and months of intermittent depression, my hibernating days are put to an end, (well at least for now). My traveling escapade is put on pause and my life is "unfortunately" unraveling itself. I enrolled in nursing school (that's a whole story in itself); I moved to NYC, which entails living the social-school girl life; And I've turned my life into an ADIDAS medley- All Day I Dream About Songs.

That being said, I've discovered the 4 S's- school, study, sleep and socializing. In fact, I saturate my well-being in them on a daily basis. Some may say this is boring- hell, I agree with y'all- the 4 S's are gruesome. My life for the next year is undergoing serious renovation; and if I come out alive, I'll be an RN with no bags under my eyes.

I'm sure you're all wondering why I started to blog again. If not, then pretend you are. But basically a friend of mine was snooping though my blog and read my first entry inferring the ability to describe oneself in one or two words. I thought and rethought what my words are, and I've located them with the help of a few people. I don't want to inflate my ego just yet, so I'm not going to reveal my words in this entry. However, one day I'll publicize these mysterious words- but for now I'll leave it for y'all to guess.

So, I conclude with this- get ready for my sarcastic/funny (not sure how that plays together) stories about the complexities of school (and my life), my interesting hospital/patient stories (no names will be disclosed because of HIPAA regulation), living with 4 other girls (lots of estrogen), and random thoughts. Enjoy!

Nothing turns out the way you want it to...